So as a result, I have decided to be persistent with water marking my images. (which I hate) :(
Anyway, here are a few photos of my children that I took with the new studio lighting. I must say, it makes a difference :)) I will, however, purchase some higher wattage bulbs for my umbrella lights!
We have been enjoying the fall (even though some days the temperature still gets hot and humid).
(Below: Ethan showing off the grapes and pecans he picked in the backyard today.)
(Below: MiMi showing off one of her pecans from the yard)
(Below: Just an image of a grape cluster growing the the back yard.)
As some of my readers know, I have a slight Gymboree obsession, however, I will only shop with sales or gymbucks for the most part. Over the summer and during the last huge online sale they had, I gradually built up this collection and decided it would be perfect for MiMi's school photos. What do y'all think??
(Below: A whole lot of cherry!! Gymboree's cherry line makes for a great back to school girl's outfit!)
What else is new as far as the house is concerned? Well, little progress. Still waiting to complete the den flooring - I guess as time and money allows, but right now with the holidays fast approaching and being on a budget, it looks like the den will have to wait. It's come a long way, baby, with a lot of time and love - why not a little longer? ;) - It will happen! And, when it does, you'll be the first to see!! Bless! <3 p="p">3>