I had this wonderful idea for the pottery barn hacks I have seen everyone do with the mini pumpkins. I was going to spray paint three, and tie diff ribbons on each, and they were going to sit in this bamboo tray I bought at the dollar store years ago and make a fabulous centerpiece..
Only, two of my pumpkins decided I burned a candle too close to them prior to my idea and they kind of imploded. No lie, they imploded. Inside out, goey and gross. yuck.
I still loved the one I did manage to save
Other then that, I finaaaally ordered the kids fall photos off snapfish. I can't wait to get them, even if by the time I recieve them it will be late for family, that's why I chose to do some UN costume like this time:
Works for me, they can stay right up right on through Thanksgiving until Christmas time when I'll need to do more anyway.
And my thoughts on that? Well, do any of you watch AMC's Mad Men??
I am in love with the 60's fashion and have all intentions of doing the kids a Mad Men inspired children's Christmas photo session. Gosh, I really am addicted to Mad Men. I didn't discover it until July of this year when I was at my sister's in Cali allll alone in her apartment while she was in the hospital and I was chanel surfing (not familiar with the out of state chanels) something on AMC grabbed my attention and kept it. YES, me, short attention span as all get out. It whisped me in and held me. I thought it was a movie at first, I was beyond captivated. Then some minutes later I realized it was a tv series marathon. It was parts of season one and most of two, and when I got home season 4 had started soon after.
It was THAT good a show that I didn't care I missed all of the previous seasons, I jumped right into 4 and fell in love again.
Now that seaon 4 is sadly over (crrrrries) Doug has ordered me season 1 - through on netflix. I am going to have a fantastic time catching up;) it's like watching prequels. hehe.
But back on the topic of photos, my gorgeous friend, Jillian gave me a code for a free shutterfly photo book. Normally I am too cheap to spend the 30+s&h & taxes on just myself so I was tickled pink she gave me her code and let me have it:D when all was said and done it only cost me under 9 bucks for s&h. I can't wait to get it, and it will arrive before my birthday.
Seriously, I always say I am unlucky, but this girl just made my entire day/week/month :D I am so ecstatic!!! <3 I rarely do prints for myself but this time I get a whole nice hardcover book. YAY!! Jillian, you are THE BEST :D
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