I realize, that in the rush of things, I didn't exactly do a holiday update. I took the tree down yesterday (correction, I undecorated and de-lit it, Doug took it down). I took this photo of it prior too with the new camera I received as a Christmas gift from Doug's parents. I am so fond of it already. So much detail it's unreal. I can't wait to work with the many slr features it has :)
In the week leading to Christmas MiMi & I did our usual Christmas crafts:
I took a couple of pictures of the kids in their Christmas outfits:
For Christmas day, my parents came, and I made eggplant, the kids opened a barrage of gifts and were spoiled. They seemed to be particularly fond of this HUGE color on house my friend, Vanessa gave them.
What a sweet and practical gift :) Thank you, Nessa :) MiMi even spent the night in it one night while Doug's parents were visiting. The children had a lot of gifts that they enjoyed a ton, I don't want to post every photo so just a couple:
The day after Christmas, it snowed, and it snowed a pretty good amount for what we are used to:
Even the bamboo plants were weighed down by the snowfall. The front yard was so beautiful, especially the maples who had since become naked skeletons:
The next few days I spent decluttering & then Doug's parents arrived. It was good to see everyone. I of course was getting over my two week long sinus bug, and being sick one day after the next. Typical for my miserable self eheh:) The kids had another Christmas and were spoiled once again.
Now it's 2011 and that was insane how fast 2010 went. I am not making a resolution because I tend to break them, so if it happens it happens, if it doesn't, it doesn't :)
Hope everyone else had a wonderful time with family for the holidays!