This week at CVS I am getting a lot for very little (once again)! Remember a blog I posted previously suggesting that you ONLY use your ecbs (extrabucks) on items that in turn EARN extrabucks? Well here is a great example of WHY!
This week CVS has a great deal- Spend $30 worth of select Proctor and Gamble products and get $10 ecbs back!
So I sat down with my store ad and figured what product I should buy to hit the $30 mark based on coupons on hand.
I decided on:
(3) bottles of tide @ 5.94 each
(2)8 packs of bounty towels @ 5.99 each
which would bring me to $29.80
So I through in the .94 cent Dawn dish soap to make it past the $30 mark needed to earn the 10 extra bucks (and let's face it, I will spend an extra 94 cent to make that 10 bucks) ;)
So my total pre taxes and pre coupons and ecb's was : $30.74
Now let's start deducting, I used:
(2) $1 off tide p&g 110 booklet coupons
(1) .35 off tide sunday paper coupon
(2) $1 off bounty p&g 110 booklet coupons
(1) .25 off dawn sunday paper coupon
= $$4.60 in coupons which brings my bill to 26.14
Then I had 10.99 in ecb's from last week AND when I scanned my cvs keyring card at the coupon center this morning it spit out a $5 ecb for reaching my cosmetic purchase limit for that month, so 26.14-15.99 in ecbs = $10.15
AFTER TAXES my out of pocket cost for all of this was $12.21
AND I got $10 ecb's back so that's like getting it all for 2.21!
NOW with this 10 in ecbs I plan to buy a $13 physician's formula powder, which makes me out of pocket $3, but i will get 7 ecb's back on this transaction, which I will turn around and buy a 2.99 softsoap body wash with that 7 in ecb's making it TOTALLY FREE and i'll earn 2 ecb's on the soft soap, which leaves me with 6 ecb's for next week and making it a grand total of ALL the proctor and gamble product, a physician's formula powder, and a softsoap body wash for just $15.21 out of pocket.
Or if you want to be technical I can subtract my 6 ecb and it's more like 9.21 spend for everything
(BUT i like to count what I actually spend $$ out not counting ecbs so that's $15.21).
So it's like I bought the makeup, one of my soaps and the rest totally free and will have 6 bucks for next week :) NOW THAT is a deal!
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