seconds later I give her my coupons, and say "thanks". Again, she looks at me and doesn't say a peep.
At the end of my shopping trip I say, "have a nice day". It was met with a blank stare and not a word.
AMAZING!! I have always put my customers first when I worked and ALWAYS made it a point to ONE smile and TWO ask how they are right off the bat. I can not believe how some people get jobs when people like me would LOVE her job.
SURE it doesn't pay much, but a job is a job. I just don't get it..
If Harris Teeter wasn't having such great deals I'd probably not go back. Rotten apple;) lol
Anyway here is what I got:
Here is how:
Harris Teeter is having super double coupons this week
ANY coupon up to 1.98 is doubled.
Lysol is buy one get one free @2 .99
I bought 6
6x 2.99 = 8.97
I had 2 internet printable coupouns ($1 off two lysols)
and 1 $1 off two lysol's sundays paper coupon from a few weeks ago
3 coupons doubled = 6 bucks off
8.97-6 = 2.97
Gain dish soap is on sale for 1.99
I had a $1 off gain detergent sunday paper coupon (i bought 20 off ebay for 1 buck
bc i knew i'd get 20 free soaps out of it).
doubled made it FREE
Pine sol was on sale for $2.69
I had a $1 off pine sol internet coupon
doubled = 69 cent
2.97+.69 = 3.66 + .69 cent sales tax = 4.35
That's like 54 cent a piece!! :)