Seriously. I am pretty absent minded these days.
I figured my little girl was in desperate need of jeans shorts. She seriously has ONE pair of denim shorts. I have no idea what happened to the rest. Some people have a monster in their drying/washing machine that eats socks. Me? I have one that eats shorts.
Anyway, I did manage to find a few pairs :) While turning the corner I saw a woman eyeballing this thing:
Okay, she was actually holding it and giving it a look over. She set it down, and the second she did I snatched it up because I didnt care what it was, I wanted it for MiMi's room. It's a bird cage jewelry holder made of metal. It's painted in shabby pink paint and I LOVE IT!
Even better? Only $11! How could I say no? It was the last one, and there was no way I was putting it back:)
So I left tonight spending $37 after taxes on a pair of shorts and two shirts and the birdcage jewelry holder for MiMi. Great! :)
Now hopefully tomorrow I can get the fabric for this craigs list dresser I have refurbished for her and all will be great. I haven't been couponing this week. Nothing too interesting going on for me. We did manage to seel 100 canes of bamboo for $85 though :) This makes me a very happy girl!
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