This weekend, I craigslisted MiMi's old tinkerbelle bedding. Because it was full sized, and we had purchased all the pieces individually, and because she had only used it maybe a month (if that) before I got her into the pink stuff, I let it go for $30 - I also threw in a package of unopened tinkerbelle wall paper border.
I also sold some nice stuff at Once Upon A Child for only $11 bucks.
I WOULD NOT recommend going there if you are looking to make a decent amount of change off your gently used items. I sold a dress BRAND NEW w/ a $107 price tag on it, a hat with a $18 price tag and two of my NICE maternity dress up sets and only got 11 bucks for it. It would of been fair if the boutique dress wasn't new with tags, BUT, we are broke and we couldn't use it, SO, their win and our SEMI win lol;)
With the $40 I was stalking yesterday. HARD.
I was in love with the Panda Academy collection during gymbuck redemption period, but for $64 I could not afford to buy a jacket I loved, or for $46 the boots I wanted for MiMi.
Earlier this week Gymboree sent out an email that high end items were only $20.99 each. I went to the site to see the plaid panda academy jacket and the pink seude bow boots were on that list! I waited a day, then two..eventually when I decided I was going to buy them THEY WERE SOLD OUT online:( I was crushed.
I rememberd I had a 25% off entire purchase coupon they sent me in the mail and thought, Well, it wouldn't hurt to check out the mall, if anything I'll save $5 in shipping (haha).
After wasting the entire day doing nothing, we piled up around noon & headed out. I mad dashed to the jacket rack to see only THREE of the plaid jackets left. I quickly looked over them and found a 7/8!! YAY! the last one in her size left. Then I saw the boots below that, only ONE size 1!! I grabbed that also.
I pulled aside a clerk (who was very friendly and didn't seem to mind my frugalty in the least) and asked, "are these also $20.99 like the website".
When she said, "yes". My heart smiled. I knew if I got them both I would save $10 right off the bat with my 25% off card.
My grand total after taxes was $33!! It's like getting each item for $16.50 :)
Considering the retail value surpasses $100 bucks, and I can't get boots or a jacket that cheap at Wal Mart - I AM IN HEAVEN!
I am officially done clothes shopping for my little one.
I also had to hit up CVS, because I was out of dryer sheets & the mirror in my bathroom was looking filthy, so I wanted windex also. I usually get really low with coupons, but I will settle for alittle over half off.
I figured I could spent about 8 bucks for my windex and dryer sheets at wal mart, OR, I could go to CVS, use my coupons and get MUCH more for my buck.
The windex was on sale 2/6 bucks, the dryer sheets were 80 ct for 3.99
this is expensive to me, but since i was using coupons, it made it better;)
I had a $5 off $25 CVS coupon, so I bought enough stuff to hit the $25 mark, and used that coupon first.
Then I had a FREE product coupon for the herbal essence, AND the CVS body wash.
I also used a buy one get one free old spice deoderant/body wash coupon. DOUG is brand loyal to old spice deo.
I had a $1 off the purchase of 2 windex products and a $1 off bounce coupon. NOT BAD since I SERIOUSLY needed those items.
I figure I will make a few more boxes for ThredUP to earn more credits to cash in on a box for my kids and call it a night. What deals did you all score this week?
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