So I figured, I wasn't going to waste a FREE $50, so I searched for Ethan. TONS of cute stuff, but NOT wanting to pay 38 bucks for a sweater vest - NOT EVEN with gymbucks. hehe!
YES, I am cheap, and I HAVE TO BE :) BUT I did manage to hit up the clearance for him and in the end Pay only 50.38 for everything I got. (pre shipping and taxes).
This is what I purchased:
Fair Isle half zip sweater $22.99 down from $39.99
Blue Spruce Mini Plaid Shirt $14.99 down from $26.95
Chest Stripe Pique Polo Shirt (new Dino line) $18.95
(full price but with gymbucks it was justifiable)
Pre historic Blue Plaid Cargo Shorts (new dino line) $26.95
Gem Bow Necklace Tee (mimi) $5.99 down from $24.95
(this will go with a knit red belted dressy sweater I bought at the outlet last week as will the following..)
Rosette Clip Snap 2 Pack $6.99 down from 8
(wouldn't normally pay this much at all but like I said using gymbucks and it goes with an outfit I bought at the outlet) :)
Bon Bon Bangle Bracelet 6 pack $3.49 down from $10.95
Total original sticker price would of been: $156.74
Sales Price Totals: $100.35
Then I used my $50 in gymbucks and paid only $50.35 for EVERYTHING!!
When you shop like that Gymboree ends up being cheaper than Wal Mart AND Target. You can't beat the quality or style either and they resell great on eBay :) And I will get a 30% off coupon when my order once it arrives and I will use that to shop the clearance next time (if I need to). I think my son is set on winter cloths for the next year already:) - Possibly two b/c he's slender.
Other than that, I have been extremely tired lately with no energy what so ever. I think my days of insomnia have caught up with me. I was going to attempt to prime the den on the weekdays, but having to get up early for my daughter's school would not mix well, so I am postponing it until the weekend. Hopefully I make some progress. Good day, readers :)
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